- | Happy Birthday Kareno | -

    - | Happy Birthday Kareno | - - Male Minecraft Skins - image 1
    - | Happy Birthday Kareno | - - Male Minecraft Skins - image 1
    - | Happy Birthday Kareno | - - Male Minecraft Skins - image 2
    - | Happy Birthday Kareno | - - Male Minecraft Skins - image 3

    - | Happy Birthday Kareno | -

    SuperMinecraftSkins.com is not an official representative or the developer of Minecraft game or this additional item.


    SuperMinecraftSkins.com is not an official representative or the developer of Minecraft game or this additional item.



    Original model:

    Steve (4 pixel arms)


    100% Complete

    Release date:






    HD skin:


    - | Happy Birthday Kareno | - skin description

    well look at that, Kareno its your birthday. I know I said this with alyssas, but I just need to repeat it bc you have no idea howtrue it is, every since I met you and Alyssa on prism you guys just slowl dug me out of a depressing hole that I was stuck in for a while. with all our awkward and quiet calls. & all the times I literally cry from laughterfrom you making us laugh, and all those. cringey jokes what you bring up here and there. & even though sometimesyou think I dont care about you, you have no idea how wrong you are about that. So if you don't mind Ill just be saying off a few thingsthat got highlighted in my memory. (these things are usually extremely awkward and cringey, you have been warned xd) remember about a week ago when we were playing eggwars and VeRUNNKKAA here and herlil' friend were just well, they lost their tent. & when you Alyssa and I were on prism and well you started singing SAiL don't worry, I got a screenshot :>(https://gyazo.com/26cbf0b1278867e58a840fde5b678635) oh and when you were trying to bring a some sheep home and creepers wouldn't let you.I found that hilarious while you were just dying inside. Also the coco beans. I swear to god you made Aliyah go insane with them. She literally tried to give me a cookie every. single. day. thanks for that. xD & you and all your glitches. I remember the first time when I had no ideaand you made me stand right next to the glass and ended up shooting me. mKAY I DIDNT KNOW THAT. IT SCARED ME TO DEATH KARENO !!oh, and don't forget the grapefruit. i still have nightmares of that. okay the sound terrified me for weeks xdoh and also when I covered your house in chickens, ya know mr. alfreedo's cousins just wanted to visit :> anyway, I'll be stopping hereso karenO, happy birthday.- Bruuko

    To download and use - | Happy Birthday Kareno | - skin for Minecraft game you need to have purchased and installed Minecraft game.

    This content tested on Windows version of the game. Please note that this skin is not official content for the game.

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