
    Pixa - Other Minecraft Skins - image 1
    Pixa - Other Minecraft Skins - image 1
    Pixa - Other Minecraft Skins - image 2
    Pixa - Other Minecraft Skins - image 3


    SuperMinecraftSkins.com is not an official representative or the developer of Minecraft game or this additional item.


    SuperMinecraftSkins.com is not an official representative or the developer of Minecraft game or this additional item.



    Original model:

    Steve (4 pixel arms)


    100% Complete

    Release date:






    HD skin:



    Pixa skin description

    ᎬᏁᏆᏒᎽ ᏞᎾᎶ 22 -ᎳᎪᏞᏦᎥᏁᎶ ᏆhᏒᎾuᎶh ᏆhᎬ ᎳᎾᏒᏞᎠ, ᎽᎾu ᏒᎬᎪᏞᎥᏃᎬ ᏆhᎬ ᎠᎥffᎬᏒᎬᏁᏟᎬs bᎬᏆᎳᎬᎬᏁ ᏆhᎬ suᏒfᎪᏟᎬ ᎳᎾᏒᏞᎠ ᎪᏁᎠ ᏆhᎥs ᎾᏁᎬ. ᏆhᎬ sᏟᎬᏁᎬᏒᎽ Ꭵs uᏁusuᎪᏞᏞᎽ ᏞᎪᏒᎶᎬ fᎾᏒ ᎳhᎬᏒᎬ ᎳᎬ ᎪᏒᎬ. ᎾᏁ ᏆhᎬ suᏒᏉᎪᏟᎬ, ᏆhᎬ ᏟᎪᏉᎬᏒᏁ sᎬᎬmᎬᎠ ᏆᎾ ᎠᏒᎾᏢ ᎠᎾᎳᏁ ᏉᏒᎽ fᎪᏒ, buᏆ ᎥᏆ ᎠᎥᎠᏁᏆ sᎬᎬm ᏆHᎥS ᏞᎪᏒᎶᎬ! ᏆhᎬᏒᎬ ᎪᏒᎬmushᏒᎾᎾms ᎬᏉᎬᏒᎽᎳhᎬᏒᎬ, ᎪᏁᎠ ᎥᏆ sᎬᎬms ᏆhᎪᏆ Ꭵ- *bᏒᎬᎪᏦᎥᏁᎶ ᏁᎾᎥsᎬ* ᎠᎥᎠ ᎽᎾu hᎬᎪᏒ ᏆhᎪᏆ? Ꭵ ᏆhᎥᏁᏦ Ꭵm bᎬᎥᏁᎶ fᎾᏞᏞᎾᎳᎬᎠ! h̦̟̉̑ͨ̓̚͟ę̞̺̳̮͔̖͂ͨ͘l̖͕̹̿̎ͫ͑͘͡l̖͕̹̿̎ͫ͑͘͡o̭͔̩͍̾̉ͨ̃ͪͪ̂̐͑? I̺̞̼͍̥̰ͧ̂̈́́̀ d̢̧̙̦̠͙̖͈͕͇͑̀͊͡o̭͔̩͍̾̉ͨ̃ͪͪ̂̐͑n̼̺̩̟̞̺̣̈ͩ́ͣ̒͗͆͒'ţ̩̯̳̻̙̦ͦͩ̽͂ͩ̍͒ͭ͘͜ m̪̝̼̖̫̌͋̏ͣͩ̆ͪ͢͞ͅę̞̺̳̮͔̖͂ͨ͘a̵̩͈̭̰ͮͣ̆̊͞n̼̺̩̟̞̺̣̈ͩ́ͣ̒͗͆͒ ţ̩̯̳̻̙̦ͦͩ̽͂ͩ̍͒ͭ͘͜o̭͔̩͍̾̉ͨ̃ͪͪ̂̐͑ ṡ̷̛͎̗̟̑͗ͥͧ͌̿č͔̘̃͊ͧ́ͅa̵̩͈̭̰ͮͣ̆̊͞r̪̮̖ͣ̌ͧę̞̺̳̮͔̖͂ͨ͘ y͙͖͔̥̤̼̼̺̖ͮ̋̀̏͛͛̔̊͌o̭͔̩͍̾̉ͨ̃ͪͪ̂̐͑uͭ͗ͮ̈ͯ͊͛ͪ͠͏̟͎͠! I̺̞̼͍̥̰ͧ̂̈́́̀'m̪̝̼̖̫̌͋̏ͣͩ̆ͪ͢͞ͅ d̢̧̙̦̠͙̖͈͕͇͑̀͊͡o̭͔̩͍̾̉ͨ̃ͪͪ̂̐͑w̴̠̭͎̤͈͎̥̽ͥ̊̚n̼̺̩̟̞̺̣̈ͩ́ͣ̒͗͆͒ h̦̟̉̑ͨ̓̚͟ę̞̺̳̮͔̖͂ͨ͘r̪̮̖ͣ̌ͧę̞̺̳̮͔̖͂ͨ͘ ţ̩̯̳̻̙̦ͦͩ̽͂ͩ̍͒ͭ͘͜o̭͔̩͍̾̉ͨ̃ͪͪ̂̐͑o̭͔̩͍̾̉ͨ̃ͪͪ̂̐͑! M̌͋̏ͣͩ̆ͪ͢͞y͙͖͔̥̤̼̼̺̖ͮ̋̀̏͛͛̔̊͌ n̼̺̩̟̞̺̣̈ͩ́ͣ̒͗͆͒a̵̩͈̭̰ͮͣ̆̊͞m̪̝̼̖̫̌͋̏ͣͩ̆ͪ͢͞ͅę̞̺̳̮͔̖͂ͨ͘'ṡ̷̛͎̗̟̑͗ͥͧ͌̿ L̖͕̹̿̎ͫ͑͘͡uͭ͗ͮ̈ͯ͊͛ͪ͠͏̟͎͠l̖͕̹̿̎ͫ͑͘͡ę̞̺̳̮͔̖͂ͨ͘. ᏁᎥᏟᎬ ᏁᎪmᎬ.. MᎥᏁᎠ Ꭵf Ꭵ ᎠᎬsᏟᏒᎥbᎬ ᎽᎾu fᎾᏒ mᎽ ᏞᎾᎶ? ..o̭͔̩͍̾̉ͨ̃ͪͪ̂̐͑,o̭͔̩͍̾̉ͨ̃ͪͪ̂̐͑k̴̖̯̩̫̥̽̌͊̽͒ͦ. ᎳᎬᏞᏞ, ᎽᎾu'ᏒᎬ hᎪᎥᏒ Ꭵs quᎥᏆᎬ ᎾᎠᎠ, buᏆ ᏆhᎬ sᎪmᎬ ᏟᎾuᏞᎠ bᎬ sᎪᎥᎠ ᎳᎥᏆh mᎥᏁᎬ. ᎽᎾu hᎪᏉᎬ ᏢᎥᏁᏦ, bᏞuᎬ, ᎪᏁᎠ ᏢuᏒᏢᏞᎬ hᎪᎥᏒ, ᎳhᎥᏟh Ꭵs ᏟᎾᎾᏞ. ᎪᏁᎠ ᎽᎾuᏒ ᎠᏒᎬss, Ꭵ ᏞᎥᏦᎬ ᎥᏆ. Ꭵm ᏁᎾᏆ suᏒᎬ hᎾᎳ ᏆᎾ ᎠᎬsᏟᏒᎥbᎬ ᎥᏆ, ᏆhᎾuᎶh. ᎾH! BᎪᏆᏆᎬᏒᎥᎬs ᏞᎾᎳ, ᎬᏁᎠ ᏞᎾᎶ ᎠᎪᏆᎬ. -------------------------------------------[̲̅S̲̅][̲̅h̲̅][̲̅U̲̅][̲̅T̲̅][̲̅D̲̅][̲̅O̲̅][̲̅W̲̅][̲̅N̲̅] [̲̅I̲̅][̲̅N̲̅][̲̅I̲̅][̲̅T̲̅][̲̅I̲̅][̲̅A̲̅][̲̅T̲̅][̲̅I̲̅][̲̅N̲̅]][̲̅G̲̅]-------------------------------------------------------

    To download and use Pixa skin for Minecraft game you need to have purchased and installed Minecraft game.

    This content tested on Windows version of the game. Please note that this skin is not official content for the game.

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