REACT™ - (Skin Contest Entry)

    REACT™ - (Skin Contest Entry) - Male Minecraft Skins - image 1
    REACT™ - (Skin Contest Entry) - Male Minecraft Skins - image 1
    REACT™ - (Skin Contest Entry) - Male Minecraft Skins - image 2
    REACT™ - (Skin Contest Entry) - Male Minecraft Skins - image 3

    REACT™ - (Skin Contest Entry) is not an official representative or the developer of Minecraft game or this additional item.

    129 is not an official representative or the developer of Minecraft game or this additional item.



    Original model:

    Steve (4 pixel arms)


    100% Complete

    Release date:






    HD skin:


    REACT™ - (Skin Contest Entry) skin description

    My god this looks terrible I honestly had a lot of trouble figuring out what a good skin for the contest would be. I knew I didn't want to do a Pokemon GO related skin and I knew I didn't want to do a Harambe skin. So I went on YouTube and saw one of the Fine Brothers' videos on the recommended homepage, and then *light-bulb*! So in case you don't know who the Fine Brothers are or how this skin relates to the contest, here's the story: So you may or may not remember in late January when those people tried to trademark the word "React", only for their actions to backfire, completely blowing up in their faces and ruining their reputation on the internet forever, but yeah, that's who the Fine Brothers are. This skin is one of the two brothers, the one on the left in this picture: And yes, I know it looks horrible, but what do you expect from a beginning skinner? On a completely unrelated note, you should actually go check out their YouTube channel. Despite this whole controversy, they produce pretty decent content and its actually pretty entertaining, even if it is reaction videos. Its not for everyone, but its worth checking it out. :)

    To download and use REACT™ - (Skin Contest Entry) skin for Minecraft game you need to have purchased and installed Minecraft game.

    This content tested on Windows version of the game. Please note that this skin is not official content for the game.

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