
    Rebirth - Male Minecraft Skins - image 1
    Rebirth - Male Minecraft Skins - image 1
    Rebirth - Male Minecraft Skins - image 2
    Rebirth - Male Minecraft Skins - image 3

    Rebirth is not an official representative or the developer of Minecraft game or this additional item.

    234 is not an official representative or the developer of Minecraft game or this additional item.



    Original model:

    Steve (4 pixel arms)


    100% Complete

    Release date:






    HD skin:



    Rebirth skin description

    "To live fully is to let go and die with each passing moment, and to be reborn in each new one." -Jack Kornfield I got bored yesterday due to my insomnia, and at 4 in the morning, I decided to recreate a very old skin I had. It was.. let's just say "not shaded". It also had a male style face. I had a lot of good memories with that skin, but it was about time for it to be reborn. It's also been a long time since I've uploaded a skin, so I decided to make up for that by uploading this. I hope you guys enjoy it? Update on my texture packs: I've been working on them since January, but ever since Minecraft's new launcher update, MC just won't operate. I don't know if it's my computer or an installation error, but I've been trying to fix it for the past 2 months and I've gotten no progress. Due to this, I haven't been working on texture packs. HOWEVER THERE IS A SOLUTION! Basically I'm getting a new computer on my birthday this May, so by then I should be able to create and test new texture packs. The wait will definitely be worth it. Hope you guys can understand - I honestly hate making excuses and didn't wanna type this out. But yeah, hope you guys enjoy the skin.

    To download and use Rebirth skin for Minecraft game you need to have purchased and installed Minecraft game.

    This content tested on Windows version of the game. Please note that this skin is not official content for the game.

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