SCP Foundation: Dr Gears

    SCP Foundation: Dr Gears - Male Minecraft Skins - image 1
    SCP Foundation: Dr Gears - Male Minecraft Skins - image 1
    SCP Foundation: Dr Gears - Male Minecraft Skins - image 2
    SCP Foundation: Dr Gears - Male Minecraft Skins - image 3

    SCP Foundation: Dr Gears is not an official representative or the developer of Minecraft game or this additional item.

    67 is not an official representative or the developer of Minecraft game or this additional item.



    Original model:

    Steve (4 pixel arms)


    100% Complete

    Release date:






    HD skin:



    SCP Foundation: Dr Gears skin description

    Dr.Gears (aka "COG") Euclid-class object specialist. Security Class: [EXPUNGED] Duties: Field Evaluation, Field Recovery, SCP development and review, object research. Dr. Gears is a normal human being, and has thus far avoided any SCP Item contamination. However, he posses some notable differences, mainly in the form of emotional response. Dr. Gears appears unable to respond in an emotional manner to any outside stimulus, with very few exceptions. Also, he appears to lack a startle reflex, and the basic form of “fight or flight” response. A example is the [DATA EXPUNGED]. Despite both the internal bleeding and partial blindness, Dr. Gears calmly requested for the testing to finish, and walked under his own power to the medical ward a half hour later. When asked about these irregularities, the doctor responds “I'm good under pressure.” Some members of staff have asked if Dr. Gears is a robot, or a SCP item. Such inquires are to be directed to Dr. Gears. Yearly review interview excerpt: O5-██: [DATA EXPUNGED] Dr. Gears: No, it’s not that they’re “out to get us”. Nothing is out to get us. Review the data, most of the SCP items do not actively seek to damage or harm anything. It’s an extension of their basic function, like a car emitting exhaust. It’s not that it intends to produce a toxic mix of chemicals in order to do harm; it’s just one of its functions. O5-██: [DATA EXPUNGED] Dr. Gears: With very few exceptions, no, I don’t believe they are. Their existence is just a determent to ourexistence. Other beings may view these items as basic as children’s toys or a spark plug. They are removed from their reality. O5-██: [DATA EXPUNGED] Dr. Gears: Why would they be sent to us? We all need to put away our “Mars Attacks!” cards and start being realistic. We are not under attack. We are not the “last line of defense”. We are not on the cusp of a new era. No one is out to get us, and no one is going to save us. These things exist because they exist, and will do whatever it is they do. I think that’s the problem we have, we want there to be some great plot or underlying reason for this. There’s not. We are alone, and the universe does not care. At least, I sincerely hope it doesn’t. Notable DocumentsPersonal Log Of Dr Gears Archived Incident 076-2_682 SCP the Anime, part 4 (Gears/Iceberg, Clef/Kondraki, Rights/Light, Kain, monkey!Bright) SCP Foundation: The Movie

    To download and use SCP Foundation: Dr Gears skin for Minecraft game you need to have purchased and installed Minecraft game.

    This content tested on Windows version of the game. Please note that this skin is not official content for the game.

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