Sonder_ [Voke Schmidt]

    Sonder_ [Voke Schmidt] - Female Minecraft Skins - image 1
    Sonder_ [Voke Schmidt] - Female Minecraft Skins - image 1
    Sonder_ [Voke Schmidt] - Female Minecraft Skins - image 2
    Sonder_ [Voke Schmidt] - Female Minecraft Skins - image 3

    Sonder_ [Voke Schmidt] is not an official representative or the developer of Minecraft game or this additional item.

    126 is not an official representative or the developer of Minecraft game or this additional item.



    Original model:

    Steve (4 pixel arms)


    100% Complete

    Release date:






    HD skin:



    Sonder_ [Voke Schmidt] skin description

    "You are a deserter. Ein verräterin. Deserters aren't popular with me."She first joined the German special forces under Captan Frederick's command, in Field Command Hans's platoon. As she promoted she started getting more in love with her superior, who dismissed this. As her superior, Frederick promoted, he became more and more idealistic, and finally after Hans became a marshall and died, now-Field Commander Frederick deserted with intentions to make Germany rise back from ashes using force. And in the end, she found herself facing her past mentor and lover. Her messed up life caused great fluctuations in her personality, as she strives to become both soft like the woman she is, but harsh like the man she loved.From the upcoming Epic Book novel by TheANARXIST If you have any feedback, please comment or send me a message so I can know what needs improvement!You can support me by sharing this, or even better, giving me a diamond!v Preview v

    To download and use Sonder_ [Voke Schmidt] skin for Minecraft game you need to have purchased and installed Minecraft game.

    This content tested on Windows version of the game. Please note that this skin is not official content for the game.