The Alchemist Daft Dora

    The Alchemist Daft Dora - Female Minecraft Skins - image 1
    The Alchemist Daft Dora - Female Minecraft Skins - image 1
    The Alchemist Daft Dora - Female Minecraft Skins - image 2
    The Alchemist Daft Dora - Female Minecraft Skins - image 3

    The Alchemist Daft Dora is not an official representative or the developer of Minecraft game or this additional item.

    500 is not an official representative or the developer of Minecraft game or this additional item.



    Original model:

    Alex (3 pixel arms)


    100% Complete

    Release date:






    HD skin:



    The Alchemist Daft Dora skin description

    If you think the SkyLords are just joking when they call Dora daft, you'd be wrong. She cray. But that doesn't mean they disrespect her skills. Dora is an accomplished potion maker with skills that seem to have no end in sight. Though she may be a little too exuberant at times, (she dabbles in explosives as well) Dora is a trusted member of the rebellion. Valgorex was forced to leave this dimension to save the Skylords from a Ghast onslaught. Trapped somewhere in the nether the SkyLords were unable to find him. Without the druid's magic the were at a loss to face the blazes. Up stepped Dora with potions at the ready. Her knowledge of the nether saved the day and the life of the druid. However, blowing up an entire nether fortress and setting fire to 3 airships with lava earned her the title daft. But Dora takes the nickname with an ounce of pride, for within that madness lies the gift that helped that makes her one of the SkyLord's best.

    To download and use The Alchemist Daft Dora skin for Minecraft game you need to have purchased and installed Minecraft game.

    This content tested on Windows version of the game. Please note that this skin is not official content for the game.

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