Yellowfang from Warrior Cats

    Yellowfang from Warrior Cats - Female Minecraft Skins - image 1
    Yellowfang from Warrior Cats - Female Minecraft Skins - image 1
    Yellowfang from Warrior Cats - Female Minecraft Skins - image 2
    Yellowfang from Warrior Cats - Female Minecraft Skins - image 3

    Yellowfang from Warrior Cats is not an official representative or the developer of Minecraft game or this additional item.

    312 is not an official representative or the developer of Minecraft game or this additional item.



    Original model:

    Alex (3 pixel arms)


    100% Complete

    Release date:






    HD skin:


    Yellowfang from Warrior Cats skin description

    Hey guys! This is my Yellowfang skin. "But it was my mistake and I had to live with it. And there was a part of me that still remembered him as a newborn kit-the tiny scrap of fur I had nursed in the hollow of a dead tree. When I had to kill him to protect my new adopted Clan, I knew I was finally at the end of my punishment. I had brought him into this world; I had to send him out, as painful as it was. But by then I had found a truer son than Brokentail ever could have been. I only hope that Fireheart will rise to be the great leader that Brokenstar never was and that, in some small way, I have helped to set him on that path. Then, perhaps, StarClan will forgive me at last."— Yellowfang narrating about her feelings for Brokenstar in Secrets of the Clans, page 71 Anyways, hope you like this skin! Bye!

    To download and use Yellowfang from Warrior Cats skin for Minecraft game you need to have purchased and installed Minecraft game.

    This content tested on Windows version of the game. Please note that this skin is not official content for the game.

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